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West London Fitness



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    David Oudôt img 5

    Georgia W is the best trainer I've had in my life, no doubt. Aside from being a funny, friendly, fabulous person, she pays very strong and careful attention to me and the workouts I go through with her. She observes me performing different routines and is able to help me do them better for my body. She noticed that I have hypermobility straight away (other trainers haven't) and my nine months with her so far have made me a lot fitter and stronger than since my uni days. We have also talked though things like my diet, minor strains I've done to my legs away from her, and her knowledge is breathtaking. I cannot recommend Georgia W enough and guarantee she is worth everything.

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    Dorthe N img 5

    I’ve been training with Georgia W. since seven months now and since we’ve started I feel a lot fitter, stronger and as a bonus lost quite some weight. Not only has Georgia W. given me some dietary guidance but also adapts the training according to my needs. When we started I had a lot of problems with my knees however this has become much better now. Georgia W. is such a positive, funny, friendly and motivating person (don’t even try to argue with her though ????). I can’t recommend her enough.

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    Fayyaz Muneer img 5

    I have been training outdoors with Georgia W from West London Fitness for nearly a year now, and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. The sessions are hard, but great fun and have improved my fitness but also my broader health enormously. Would not hesitate to recommend - as I did to my parents, both of whom now train with Georgia.

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    Elaine Blanchett img 5

    West London Fitness is the place to train. Georgia W has had nothing but a positive impact on my life since I started training with her some months ago now. As a new Mum, I found it hard to carve out space for myself and to do something positive for both my physical and mental health. Georgia has designed my training to be appropriate for my current level of fitness but with enough stretch to push me. I look forward to my sessions with her every week!

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    Jo Warren img 5

    If you're looking for a personal trainer in Ealing, please get in touch with West London Fitness. They're a friendly, unpretentious bunch, and genuinely care about their clients. I've been having training sessions with Jamie for 4 years now and can't imagine my life without him putting me through my paces each week! Challenging, but fun, and good for my mental as well as physical health. Highly recommend.